MusMat Journal Vol. VI N. 2

MusMat Journal Vol. VI N. 2

The MusMat Research Group is pleased to announce the publication of this new issue of the MusMat • Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics. The second number of our sixth volume is composed of four papers. The edition opens with “Contextual Dyadic Transformations, and the Opening of Brahms’s Op. 5 as a Variation of the Opening of Schumann’s Op. 14”, a paper by Scott Murphy where he discusses, from a group-theoretical perspective, Schumann’s influence on Brahms’s compositional style, by showing that the latter’s opening of his Op. 5 is a variation of the former’s opening of his respective Op. 14. Following, we have the paper “Python Scripts for Rhythmic Partitioning Analysis”, by Marcos da Silva Sampaio and Pauxy Gentil-Nunes, in which they present a Python implementation of the software Parsemat, initially implemented in MatLab/Octave programming languages and extremely helpful to perform rhythmic partitioning analysis. Moreover, the authors also expand Parsemat by adding access to measure indications of each partition, annotation of texture information into digital scores, and many other features. Next, we have a paper on a topic also discussed in the MusMat 2022 Conference, “On Xenakis’s Games of Musical Strategy”, by Stefano Kalonaris. This work discusses Xenakis’s pieces based on zero-sum games (Duel, Stratégie, and Linaia-Agon), and reveals axiomatic inconsistencies between the game-theoretical model and the musical implementations biased toward the composer’s aesthetic preference. Finally, we close this issue with a paper by Charles Ames, “Building a Knowledge Base of Rhythms”, that proposes a software to create, store, and access rhythmic patterns formed by rests, attacks, and ties for compositional purposes. He also demonstrates his program in several examples and creates parallels with several of his previous pioneering tools on computer-assisted composition. Enjoy the reading!

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