ISSN 2526-3757

MusMat • Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics


MusMat • Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics, ISSN 2526-3757, is an annual publication organized and edited by the MusMat Research Group and published by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Graduate Program in Music (PPGM UFRJ). The journal brings together articles, interviews, reviews, scripts and theorems, musical scores, and news on the interaction between music and mathematics applied in musical analysis and composition. It is an open-access journal, published in English, exclusively online publication, with a single issue released once per year on DecemberThe journal operates on a rolling publication basis, where articles are published as they are received, and at the end of the year, a volume is compiled containing all the articles published throughout the year.

Editorial Board
Dr. Carlos Almada | UFRJ
Dr. Daniel Moreira | UFRJ
Dr. Liduino Pitombeira | UFRJ
Dr. Hugo Tremonte de Carvalho | UFRJ
Dr. Carlos Mathias | UFF
Dr. Robert Peck | USA, Louisiana State University

Dr. Julio Herrlein | UFRGS
Dr. José Oliveira Martins | Portugal, Universidade de Coimbra
Dr. Marcos Sampaio | UFBA
Dr. Rodolfo Coelho de Souza | USP

Advisory Board
Dr. Arthur Kampela | UNIRIO
Dr. Carlos Volotão | IME
Dr. Charles de Paiva Santana | UNICAMP
Dr. Gabriel Pareyon | Mexico, Universidad de Guadalajara

Dr. Ciro Visconti | Faculdade Santa Marcelina
Dr. Walter Nery | Faculdade Santa Marcelina
Dr. Jean Pierre Briot | CNRS 
Dr. Paulo de Tarso Camargo Cambraia Salles | USP 
Dr. Petrucio Vianna | UFF
Dr. Stefanella Boatto | UFRJ

Graphic design, copydesk, cover, publishing, and treatment
MusMat Research Group



President and Provost
Denise Pires de Carvalho

Carlos Frederico Leão Rocha

Vice-President for Graduate Studies and Research
Denise Maria Guimarães Freire

College of Fine Arts and Letters Dean
Cristina Grafanassi Tranjan

School of Music Director
Ronal Silveira

Marcelo Jardim

Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies
David Alves

Associate Director of Artistic Division
Marcelo Jardim

Director of Public Outreach
Maria José Bernardes Di Cavalcanti

Coordinator of Graduate Program in Music
João Vicente Vidal

Coordinator of Professional Graduate Program in Music
Aloysio Fagerlande

Coordinator of Education Division
Fabio Adour

Escola de Música da UFRJ – Prédio III – Edifício Ventura
Av. República do Chile, 330, Torre Leste, 21o. Andar
Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ

MusMat Research Group


Alexandre Ferreira (Doctoral student)
Ana Miccolis (Doctoral student)
André Pinto (Undergraduate Research Project)
Ariane Petri (Doctoral student)
Bernardo Ramos (Doctoral student)
Carlos Mathias (Prof. UFF)
Claudia Usai (Master student)
Eduardo Cabral (Undergraduate Research Project)
Érico Bonfim (Doctoral student)
Filipe de Matos Rocha (Doctoral student)
João Penchel (Undergraduate Research Project)
Marco Antônio Ramos Feitosa (Pos-doc)
Mariane Batista dos Santos (Undergraduate)
Max Kühn (Master student)
Natanael Luciano de Matos (Undergraduate Research Project)
Nei Rocha (Prof. UFRJ)
Pedro Miguel de Moraes (Doctoral student)
Pedro Proença (Master student)
Pedro Zizels Ramos (Doctoral student)
Petrucio Viana (Prof. UFF)
Roberto Macedo (Doctoral student)
Rodrigo Furman (Master student)
Sérgio Ribeiro (Doctoral student)
Stefanella Boatto (Prof. UFRJ)
Vinicius Braga (Undergraduate Research Project)


Adriel Viturino (Undergraduate Research Project)
Alexandre Avellar (Undergraduate Research Project)
André Codeço (Doctoral Student)
Desirée Mayr (Doctoral Student)
Fabio Monteiro (Master student)
Gabriel Mesquita (Master student)
Helder Oliveira (Doctoral student)
Jorge Santos (Master student)
Leandro Chrispim (Master student)
Marcel Castro Lima (Master student)
Rafael Fortes (Master student)
Rafael Soares Bezerra (Undergraduate Research Project)
Rodrigo Pascale (Undergraduate Research Project)


Alexandre Schubert (Prof. UFRJ)
Fábio Adour (Prof. UFRJ)
Francisco Erivelton Aragão (Prof. UFC)
Pauxy Gentil-Nunes (Prof. UFRJ)
Raphael Sousa Santos
Rubem Medeiros

Contact: [email protected]

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