Grupo MusMat no livro “The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations”

Grupo MusMat no livro “The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations”

O livro The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations, editado por Gabriel Pareyon, Silvia Pina-Romero, Octavio A Agustin-Aquino e Emilio Lluis-Puebla, foi publicado em outubro pela Springer International Publishing. Seu conteúdo apresenta um profundo espectro das relações entre música, matemática, física e filosofia, com artigos de pesquisadores de diferentes nacionalidades, dentre os quais encontram-se três trabalhos do Grupo MusMat:
Gödel-vector and Gödel-address as tools for genealogical determination of genetically-produced musical variations (Carlos Almada);

Partitiogram, Mnet, Vnet and Tnet: embedded abstractions inside compositional games (Pauxy Gentil-Nunes);

Textural Contour: a proposal for textural hierarchy through the ranking of partitions lexset (Daniel Moreira).

O livro faz parte da série Computational Music Science e é resultado dos trabalhos apresentados no International Congress of Music and Mathematics (ICMM), que ocorreu entre os dias 26 e 29 de novembro de 2014, em Puerto Vallarta (Jalisco, México).

MusMat Research Group on the book The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations

The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations, a book edited by Gabriel Pareyon, Silvia Pina-Romero, Octavio A Agustin-Aquino and Emilio Lluis-Puebla, was published in October by Springer International Publishing. Its content presents a deep spectrum of the relations between music, mathematics, physics and philosophy, with articles by researchers of different nationalities, among which are three works of the MusMat Group:

Gödel-vector and Gödel-address the tools for genealogical determination of genetically-produced musical variations (Carlos Almada);

Partitiogram, Mnet, Vnet and Tnet: embedded abstractions inside compositional games (Pauxy Gentil-Nunes);

Textural Contour: a proposal for textural hierarchy through the ranking of partitions lexset (Daniel Moreira).

The book is part of the Computational Music Science series as a result of presented works from the International Congress of Music and Mathematics (ICMM), from November 26th to 29th in 2014 in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

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