(English) [NEW] Proceedings of the 4th. International MusMat Congress (2019)

(English) [NEW] Proceedings of the 4th. International MusMat Congress (2019)

The MusMat Research Group announces a new release of the Proceedings of the 4th. International Congress of Music and Mathematics (2019). The text contains 10 abstracts of works that were presented at the conference, by the authors: André Codeço, Robert Peck, Fernando Luiz Cardoso PereiraJulio HerrleinPedro Miguel de MoraesFrancisco Erivelton Fernandes de Aragão, Liduino PitombeiraCarlos Almada, Max Kühn, Rodrigo Balthar FurmanDaniel Moreira de Sousa, Alexandre Ferreira, and Marco Feitosa.

N.B.: This issue is being republished to include Marco Feitosa’s abstract that had not been included in the previous version (September 2021).


Click here to access the volume.

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