MusMat Group launches an update of Partitional Operators – application for music composition and analysis

MusMat Group launches an update of Partitional Operators – application for music composition and analysis

MusMat research group releases a major update of application Partitional Operators (Partops v. 1.35 Beta). The program for Windows is a tool for compositional or analytical tasks within the scope of Partitional Analysis. Aimed at composers, researchers in music, and those interested in a better understanding of Partitional Analysis and its derived theories. Version 1.35 Beta is in the testing phase and is available for free.

Partitional operators are parsimonious transformations applied to integer partitions. They can be read musically by different approaches, according to the application – texture, melody, orchestration, spatialization, form, voice leading, to the composition process itself, among others.

MusMat group make some applications available on its website free of charge, as a result of research carried out in its 8 years of activity. These applications cover subjects related to the developed projects – Partitional AnalysisDevelopment VariationSystemic Modeling, analysis of Popular Music (mainly choro), Harmonic Analysis, Algorithmic Composition – and are used in the classroom in Masters, Doctorate and Undergraduate courses, in Scientific Initiation groups and in classes of Education and Bachelor courses. Partitional Operators application and the latest versions of the MusMat applications can be accessed at the following links.

Partitional Operators v. 1.35

MusMat – Programas

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