Schoenberg: Music and Theory

Editors: Carlos Almada, Carlos Mathias, Cecília Saraiva, Daniel Moreira, Hugo Carvalho, and Liduino Pitombeira

In 2021, the MusMat Research group promoted the 6th International Conference on Music and Mathematics honoring Arnold Schoenberg (1874- 1951). We had the presence of a significant number of world-renowned Brazilian and foreign researchers, invited to lecture on their most recent research associated with the theoretical and artistic work of this important composer. The conference was conducted entirely online, through video conferences, keynotes, virtual debates, and concerts.

This book is a result of this conference, and its release coincides with the 150th anniversary of Schoenberg’s birth, joining a myriad of tribute initiatives honoring his legacy around the world. It presents a comprehensive prospection of Arnold Schoenberg’s music, paintings, as well as his theoretical writings. Thus, each chapter provides a unique perspective on different aspects of his extraordinary multifaceted work presented by a team of esteemed scholars and experts who delve deep into the intricacies of his groundbreaking contributions (theoretical and artistic). The book includes articles by Robert Morris, Jack Boss, Luigi Verdi, Robert Peck, Marco Feitosa, Carlos Almada, Guilherme Bueno, Ernesto Hartmann, Severine Neff, Jeffrey Perry, Paulo Costa Lima, and Sabine Feisst.

Access the publication in PDF here.

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