Balanço do ano – Participação do Grupo MusMat na V edição do International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM2015)

Balanço do ano – Participação do Grupo MusMat na V edição do International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM2015)

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Um dos pontos altos do ano do Grupo MusMat foi a participação do prof. Carlos Almada no International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM2015), ocorrido de 22 a 25 de junho em Londres.

Almada apresentou a comunicação Genetic Algorithms based on the Principles of Grundgestalt and Developing Variation (Algoritmos genéticos baseados nos princípios da Grudgestalt e na Variação Progressiva), onde o pesquisador explica o desenvolvimento dos quatro módulos que compõem o Complexo Genemus – programa voltado para a aplicação da GG e VP à composição musical.

Rafael Bezerra (membro do Grupo MusMat e mestrando da UNIRIO, sob orientação do prof. Marcos Lucas) também esteve presente, participando do curso World Music Choir, ministrado por Judith Silver and Janna Goodwille.

Ambos os eventos ocorreram na University of London.

Balance of the year – participation of MusMat Group in the Fifth Biennial International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM2015) 

One of the highlights of the year of the work of MusMat Group was the participation of prof. Carlos Almada in the International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM2015), held in June 22-25 in London.

Almada presented the paper “Genetic Algorithms based on the Principles of Grundgestalt and Developing Variation”, where the researcher explains the development of four modules that make up the Genemus Complex – program aimed at application of GG and VP in musical composition.

Rafael Bezerra (also a MusMat Group member and graduate student in UNIRIO, under the advising of prof. Marcos Lucas) was also present, participating in the course “World Music Choir”, taught by Judith Silver and Janna Goodwille.

Both events took place at University of London.

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