MusMat • Brazilian Journal of Music and Mathematics
Guideline for authors
Authors are invited to submit no more than two contributions electronically to the e-mail, for the following categories:
PAPERS: Peer-reviewed papers, minimum of 10 pages, written exclusively in English, submitted according to the MusMat LaTeX Template. The MusMat Journal practices blind review and, therefore, authors should avoid identifying themselves, directly or indirectly. More information about LaTex is available here. For bibliographical references we adopt a variation of the Chicago style, which guidelines you can find here. Authors are responsible for securing permission for reprinting copyrighted material quoted or otherwise used in their work.
REVIEWS: Reviews (1500-3000 words) of a single book or paper related to the intersection between music and mathematic (sent in .doc or .docx format).
MATHMUSIC: Original (not yet published) compositions created using mathematical or computational concepts and/or procedures (in .musicxml along with a PDF), accompanied by program notes (500 words max.), and, if necessary, annotated examples from the score.
SCRIPTS OR ALGORITHMS: Original and innovative computational scripts, algorithms, or implemented software associated with a musical practical application. Any of them must be accompanied by a text (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) including: a) a full description of the object of study, b) a clear description of its functionalities, and c) examples, if it is the case, of its outputs. In the case of computational software, it must be freely available online.
THEOREMS: A new innovative theorem related to the intersection of music and mathematics along with its proof, or a refutation/a new original demonstration of a pre-existing theorem also related to music and mathematics (.doc, .docx, .rtf, or in the LaTeX template aforementioned).